Do this 1 simple thing in your portfolio to convert visitors into clients.

Ajay Veyron
3 min readJun 27, 2022


In this article, I am gonna share 1 super simple yet neglected tip that you can implement right now in your portfolio to convert more visitors into your potential clients.

I am Ajay Pawriya, a UX designer for the last 2 years now and I am sharing my journey and learnings on the Internet to help new and intermediate beginners to grow and upskill in their careers.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


You need to understand that for every client or employer that you work with is like building a relationship. And it goes both ways. you have to understand them and their process and likewise for them. They need to know if you are the right person to hire to do the task.

Initially, they are gonna have some doubts over who you work among people and how do you communicate with them. So, how do you solve it? it all comes down to TRUST. If they can trust you or not.

And so far, history has proven that Trust being very hard to obtain, can be obtained using a simple hack. It’s through other people. Those people who have worked with you before. How did they feel about working with you? Did you communicate enough and effectively?

Having answers to all these questions can make it easier for your client/employer to trust you before hiring you. A great way to answer all of these is through TESTIMONIALS.


If you are an Intermediate UX designer and have worked with some clients or employers before, you can ask them for their Testimonials. Or they might have given you testimonials by themselves while you were working with them.

You don’t have to feel shy when asking them for Testimonials. But you have to make sure that you don’t ask for testimonials right after you have joined the role. You should give some time to them to judge you. It can either be at the project end if the project was short-term or after 2–3 months of working with them.

You can use this simple message template to ask them for their testimonial.

Hey {Name},

I am trying to revamp my portfolio and I thought of adding a Testimonials section to it. I think having your testimonial there would help me very much. If you liked my work so far, I would request a simple 2–3 lines of Testimonial on your behalf. If you think there’s some room for improvement, let me know that as well. I am happy to improve myself.


{Your name}

Feel free to customize it as per your situation and scenario.

Adding this simple section to your portfolio will definitely help you land more clients in the future whenever you share your portfolio with them.

So go ahead, and get what you deserve.

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Ajay Veyron
Ajay Veyron

Written by Ajay Veyron

A passionate user-centered designer and researcher who believes in solving complex problems through easy solutions.

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